Tuesday, March 22, 2005

One paper down...

Well, one paper down (on Aquinas' Summa) and one to go (tomorrow, on Aeschylus' Agamemnon). Anyone interested in Aquinas on law, or in the kind of essays required at St. John's, or just having trouble sleeping as I am right now, can find it posted at my notes-style web page, in the link above. All St. John's essays are simply reflective, so there aren't any citations except from the work itself. If you don't know the works involved, the essays will mean little.

Well...to bed and try to sleep again...


  1. So I've gradually been swayed from the far right in reading your musings on the Terry Schiavo situation. Nevertheless, I think no matter what side you're on, this behavior is pretty repulsive: http://calvinist-libertarians.blogspot.com/2005/03/small-example-of-modern-culture.html

  2. Being a doctor, as well as in opposition to sustaining Schiavo when you feel she is basically a vegetable, I'm curious as to what your opinion is on HOW they are doing it? She's projected to live at least one week, if not two without any nutrients, etc. Is this humane? I can see the argument for taking her off of life support, but why not end it quickly?

  3. I don't feel she is basically a vegetable. I think she is a woman that retains rights under the law, and under God, one of which is to self-determine such issues as come to bear at the end of life. I'm really rushing for class, so can't say more. More will be said in future posts, though. Yours is a reasonable question, but I would not "end it quickly".

  4. Yea, sorry about that: bad choice of words. I certainly didn't intend to put words in your mouth at all. Just looking for a simple way to state things, and I poorly chose to the use the word "vegetable." But I'd love to hear your response then....
